harsh ebm
Albums scraped2021-12-03T09:59:19.091Z
Last updated2021-12-17T07:05:40.009Z
Released at
57Skinny Puppy - Rabies1989-11-21
60YelworC - >>Brainstorming<<1992-12
75Hocico - Triste Desprecio1996
61:Wumpscut: - Embryodead1997-05-27
8Feindflug - 10. August 19401997
97Dulce Liquido - Disolucion2000
39Grendel - Inhumane Amusement2001-03-01
65Alec Empire - Intelligence and Sacrifice2001-11
2Hocico - Dark Decryption2001
13Aslan Faction - Blunt Force Trauma2002-04-02
68Informatik - Nymphomatik2002-04-09
28Aslan Faction - Sin-Drome of Separation2003-04-05
6Psyclon Nine - Divine Infekt2003-09-15
19Tactical Sekt - Burn Process2003-11-03
53Grendel - Prescription: Medicide2004-01-15
20Alien Vampires - I'm Dead Fuck You2004
81C-Lekktor - Re-A-Gression2004
14Dawn of Ashes - Sacred Fever2005-03
29Grendel - Soilbleed Redux2005-04-25
46Psyclon Nine - INRI2005-04-26
18Hioctan - Concentration Overload2005-06-13
5Unter Null - The Failure Epiphany2005-11-28
38FGFC820 - The Hanging Garden2005
50Alien Vampires - Evil Generation2005
3Suicide Commando - Bind, Torture, Kill2006-03-24
40PreEmptive Strike 0.1 - Lethal Defence Systems2006-04-07
55Life Cried - Drawn And Quartered2006-04-21
51Tactical Sekt - Syncope2006-04-28
85Dioxyde - Social Phobia2006-04-28
52Dawn of Ashes - In the Acts of Violence2006-08-15
49Derma-Tek - Corpus Technological2006-10-31
43ESC - MATTE2006-12-12
99Sam - Synthetic Adrenaline Music2006-12
17Alien Vampires - Nuns Are Pregnant2006
36Rosewater - Bloodcount2006
1Grendel - Harsh Generation2007-05-04
62Mordacious - Torture Tactics2007-06
80Nachtmahr - Kunst ist Krieg2007-09-14
10Painbastard - Borderline2007-09-28
4A7IE - Distress2007-09
302 Bullet - You're downloading anarchism2007-09
32Wynardtage - Praise The Fallen2007-10-10
25Eisenfunk - Eisenfunk2007-10-12
21Agonoize - Sieben2007-11-09
70C-Lekktor - Refusing The Paradise2007
73ESC - Enhancer2008-04-11
11X-Fusion - Vast Abysm2008-04-25
63The Synthetic Dream Foundation - Behind the Gates of Horn and Ivory2008-04
71onecyze project - confused mental state2008-06-11
16Straftanz - Forward Ever2008-06-13
94DYM - The Invilid2008-09-12
42Modulate - Detonation2008-09-19
78Vicious Alliance - Crushed By the System2008-10-31
31PreEmptive Strike 0.1 - Extinction Reprogrammed2008
100S.A.M - Synthetic Adrenaline Music2008
9Combichrist - Today We Are All Demons2009-01-20
72aktivehate - Corrosive Intent2009-01-23
33CygnosiC - A Deity in Pain2009-01-27
67Alien Vampires - Fuck Off and Die2009-01-27
76Proyecto Crisis - Made In Chile2009-02-28
44Eisenfunk - 3002009-04-09
12Centhron - Roter Stern2009-05-29
88aktivehate - Washed In Blood2009-07-29
23Extize - Hellektrostar EP2009-09-11
66Reaver - Eternal Psychonaut2009
74Diversant:13 - SoulReaper EP2009
93Diversant:13 - Burn the Witch Experience2009
22Psyborg Corp - The Mechanical Renaissance2010-02-16
95SADIZTIK:INJEKTION - Global Genocide2010-05-18
26The Synthetic Dream Foundation - Mechanical Serpent2010-06-10
27Freakangel - The Faults of Humanity2010-06-11
56PreEmptive Strike 0.1 - The Kosmokrator2010-07-23
47Angels On Acid - Blood Sweat and Tears2010-08-13
7Hocico - Tiempos de Furia2010-10-01
79Diversant:13 - Soulreaper Redux2010-10-15
58Reaxion Guerrilla - I Hate You2010
86Traumatize - Torment2011-05-25
90Siva Six - The Twin Moons2011-06-17
54Trakktor - Force Majeure2011-06-20
87CygnosiC - One Step Forward2011-06-28
48CygnosiC - Fallen2011-07-22
98Eisenfunk - Pentafunk2011-08-12
59Dawn of Ashes - Hollywood Made In Gehenna2012-05-01
82PreEmptive Strike 0.1 - T.A.L.O.S.2012-05-08
15FGFC820 - Homeland Insecurity2012-06-01
77ES23 - Heaven Or Hell2012-06-15
96SIN D.N.A. - Revelate2012-06-29
92FGFC820 - FGFC8x22012-10-05
89CygnosiC - A Deity In Pain Reborn2012-11-23
83Diversant:13 - The End of Days2012-12-22
24CygnosiC - Fire And Forget2013-03-22
84God Destruction - Novus Ordo Seclorum2014-05-30
64CygnosiC - CygnosiC2014-11-21
37Agonoize - Reborn in Darkness - The Bloody Years 2003-2014: Vol. 1 - The Best Of2014-12-19
35Eden Synthetic Corps - Sandwalkers2015-09-25
69Horskh - Gate2017-04-10
41Suicide Commando - Death Will Find You2018-05-04
45Dawn of Ashes - The Crypt Injection II (Non Serviam)2019-01-18
34Not My God - Not My God2020-02-14
91Horskh - Wire2021-01-22